Contact Us
Eli Lilly and Company (NZ) Limited
Registered Office:
Level 27, 88 Shortland Street
Auckland 1010
New Zealand
Postal Address:
PO Box 109197 Newmarket
Auckland 1149
New Zealand
Report an Adverse Event or Product Complaint
Please do not use this website to report side effects or complaints about a Lilly product. If you experience side effects, talk to your doctor or other health care professional. This includes any possible side effects not listed in the package leaflet.
To report a side effect or product complaint with a Lilly product please call:
Medical Information
If you have a question about one of Lilly's products, you can contact us via chat or phone:

Chat ‘Live’ to one of our Medical Professionals
Report an Ethics Violation or Concern
We encourage anyone, whether working for Lilly or not, to speak up about potential violations of our code of business conduct or other company policies or procedures, or any suspected violations of laws and regulations. You may report a potential ethics violation or concern by contacting the Lilly Ethics and Compliance Hotline via this website. You can find up-to-date local phone numbers for most countries, where available, and you will be prompted with instructions for submitting a report consistent with local process. You also have the option to send us an email directly.
Media enquiries
Call 0800 500 056 or email
Media enquiries will be redirected to Eli Lilly Australia.
General enquiries
Call 0800 500 056 or (09) 523 9300
Eli Lilly cannot provide medical, healthcare or counselling services. Please contact your healthcare professional if you need to speak with someone regarding your health or any medical treatment including any products featured on this website.