The Medicines Waiting Room
Perceptions of Medicines Access and Use in Australia
At Lilly, we believe that policies relating to innovative medicines should be informed by the views of medical specialists – the very people responsible for the care of patients with chronic and complex health issues, and the primary prescribers of innovative medicines.
The Medicines Waiting Room research project provides insights into the perceptions of medicines access, use and supply among a sample of 100 Australian clinicians from varying medical specialities who keep up to date with overseas trends in their area of expertise.
The research shows that these specialists believe Australia would benefit from faster, more efficient medicine funding processes, easing of eligibility criteria for reimbursed therapies, greater clinician input to reimbursement decision-making, and Government efforts to shore up supply of reimbursed medicines.

The Medicines Waiting Room Report
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Key Findings

The Medicines Waiting Room – a discussion with Medical Oncologist, Professor Fran Boyle AM
For further information contact:
Lisa Julian, Director, Corporate and External Affairs, Eli Lilly Australia. E.
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