Accessible Customer Service Standards
Our Commitment to Accessibility
Lilly Canada is committed to providing accessible, inclusive, and integrated customer service to each and every one of our customers. Our Accessible Customer Service Standards are intended to meet the requirements of the Accessibility Standards for Customer Service, Ontario Regulation 429/07 under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA).
Lilly Canada is committed to:
Delivering our products in a way that respects the dignity and independence of people with disabilities, and
Allowing people with disabilities to access our goods and services and to benefit from them in the same places and manners as other customers.
Our Accessible Customer Service Standards
At Lilly Canada, actively ensuring the accessibility of our services is a priority. Our policies, practices and procedures support the dignity, independence, integration and equal opportunities of people with disabilities. Our Accessible Customer Service Policy, as well as its supporting policies and procedures, will be made available to customers upon request, and in a format that takes the customer’s disability into account. We do our best to anticipate and respond to our customers’ needs in a number of ways.
Lilly employees will communicate with people with disabilities in ways that take their disability into account. We will provide fully accessible telephone services and train employees to communicate clearly by phone. If telephone communication does not meet a customer’s communication needs, we will communicate by email or relay service. Upon request from customers with disabilities, we will make reasonable efforts to make promotional and product materials available in a format that takes their disability into account.
Personal Assistive Devices
Lilly customers are welcome to use their own personal assistive devices to access our services. In addition, we will maintain and upgrade the assistive devices we make available to our customers, and we will ensure all staff know which devices are available for their use.
Service Animals and Support Persons
Service animals and support persons are welcome to accompany our customers with disabilities to the areas of our premises that are open to the public or other third parties. If there is a cost associated with a support person’s accessing Lilly services, we will ensure the customer is aware of the cost and assist in covering reasonable and appropriate expenses.
Lilly employees and contractors who interact with the public or develop customer service polices, practices and procedures complete accessibility training. Further training will be provided as we make changes to the policies, procedures and practices that govern our provision of service to people with disabilities. Training records will be maintained and training will include:
How to interact and communicate with people with various types of disabilities, including people who use service animals, an assistive device, or a support person
How to use available equipment or devices that may help when providing services to people with disabilities
What to do if a person with a disability has difficulty accessing Lilly products or services
For employees in Ontario, the purposes of AODA, and the requirements of the Customer Service Standard, Ontario Regulation 429/07.
Notice of Temporary Disruption to Services
If there is a planned or unexpected disruption to services used by customers with disabilities, a notice will be placed on the Lilly Canada website. These notices will include the reason for the disruption, its anticipated duration, and, if it is available, a description of any alternate services.
Customer Feedback
Lilly welcomes feedback about our delivery of services to people with disabilities. Please direct all feedback to our Customer Response Centre at 1-888-545-5972. People who use a teletypewriter device may contact our Customer Response Centre by using Bell Relay service at 1-800-268-9242. We acknowledge and address all the feedback we receive in a timely manner.