Patient Safety

Learn about Lilly's commitment to patient safety and why we constantly monitor our medications.

Safety Matters at Lilly

Beginning with the discovery of a potential new medicine, and for as long as it is available to patients, our goal is to ensure that its benefits and risks are continuously monitored and well-understood by regulators, health care providers and patients.

Lilly's Global Patient Safety organization, which consists of more than 300 physicians, pharmacists, nurses and other health care professionals, is dedicated to the collection, monitoring, evaluation and reporting of safety information through the science of pharmacovigilance.

Lilly maintains a comprehensive and rigorous pharmacovigilance system, collecting data throughout the lifecycle of each product. This system is designed to continually maintain and evaluate the product's benefit/risk profile. When important safety issues arise, Lilly communicates them to doctors, patients and regulatory agencies.

Medications are just one of many important tools that doctors use in treating short-term and long-term health conditions. Taking medications exactly as your doctor prescribes is the first and most important step on the road to better health.

Doctor talking with a patient in a waiting room

Our Commitment to Patient Safety

What We’re Doing to Help

Two people walking along path in Lilly courtyard

How to Report Adverse Events

Report an Adverse Event (or Side Effect)

Vials with orange and purple caps in ice


Preventing Counterfeits