Section 172 statement

Directors' Duties under section 172 of the Companies Act

The directors of Eli Lilly and Company Limited consider, both individually and together, that they have acted in the way they consider good faith, would be most likely to promote the success of the company for the benefit of its members as a whole having regard to the stakeholders and matters set out in s172(1)(a-f) of the Companies Act. The decisions made by the company during the year ending 31 December 2023 have been made with the objective; to have a long term beneficial impact on the company, to engage employees with equality and with their interests, to develop strong value-adding business relationships with the company's stakeholders, to take into account the wider impact of the company's actions on the environment and to be ethical and maintain the high levels of business conduct.

The Directors are fully aware of their responsibilities to promote the success of the company in accordance with section 172 of the Companies Act 2006. To ensure the company is operating in line with good corporate practice, a written reminder of the section 172 duty is included on each Board agenda.

Engaging with our Employees

Eli Lilly and Company Limited’s purpose is to make life better for people around the world. To do this, the company must attract, engage, and retain highly talented individuals who are committed to the same core values of integrity, excellence, and respect for people. To support the company’s strategy Lilly has begun creating a culture globally that emphasises four key behaviours - include, innovate, accelerate and deliver - so that the company’s employees feel like they are part of one Team Lilly with one purpose; to make life better for patients who are waiting. The directors of Eli Lilly and Company Limited continue to maintain and develop its policy of involving and communicating with its employees as explained more fully in the company's 2023 Directors' report set out on page 7 of the financial statement.

Engaging with our Customers

The company remains committed to providing its customers with innovative medicines, information and exceptional customer service in order to enable people to live longer, healthier, and more active lives.

Engaging with our Suppliers

The company is committed to ensuring it works responsibly with suppliers. During the year, the Board reviewed and approved the company’s Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement, which sets out the steps taken to prevent modern slavery in the company’s business and supply chains. The Company has enacted a Supplier Code of Conduct with which both its existing and new suppliers are contractually obliged to adhere, it has introduced new measures to effectively vet potential new suppliers for compliance with modern slavery requirements, and it is committed to providing tailored training on anti-slavery and human trafficking requirements and awareness to its key staff.

Engaging with our Shareholders

The Board is committed to openly engaging with the company’s shareholders as they recognise the importance of effective communication, visibility of strategy and objectives and tackling industry risks proactively.

The impact of the Company’s operations on the community and environment

In a challenging, research-based pharmaceutical industry, the company is committed to making high-quality medicines responsibly. The company aims to achieve world-class performance by operating safely, minimising use of natural resources, and lessening the company’s impact on the environment. The company actively promotes waste recycling, encourages green travel and continues to invest in the local communities in which Eli Lilly and Company Limited operates. The Directors fully support and encourage employees to take part in a wide range of programs to help the company meet this commitment.