Accessibility Statement

Connecting to Lilly

The following services are available to Lilly employees, contingent workers, and third-party collaborators. Registration of two sign-in methods for your Lilly account to enable multi-factor authentication (MFA) and self-service password reset (SSPR) is required to connect to Lilly.

Follow this Getting Started Guide to complete your registration of sign-in methods. The optimal user experience when connecting to Lilly is through Microsoft Windows using the Microsoft Edge browser, although other common desktop and mobile operating systems and browsers are supported.

Not Sure Which Method to Use? 

Please contact your Lilly sponsor to determine how you should be connecting to Lilly. If you still require assistance, contact the appropriate Lilly service desk for your region.


The LillyConnect service allows personnel to securely connect to Lilly browser-based resources via the Internet from a non-Lilly device. Please follow the LillyConnect Getting Started Guide to begin accessing Lilly resources remotely.

Virtual Applications and Desktops 

Virtual desktops and applications can be accessed via Citrix Workspace or a browser. If you have been granted access to virtual resources, please follow the Virtual Application and Desktop User Guide for prerequisites and log in steps.