










1) 本約款は、次の場合には適用されない。

  1. 甲がその社外向けウェブサイト(URLは、https://www.lilly.com/jp/suppliers 以下「契約関連ウェブサイト」という。)において公表している「本約款を適用しない取引の種類」に、本件取引が該当する場合。

  2. 別途甲乙間で注文品又は委託業務を対象とする取引に関して、基本的な条件を規定した契約書(以下「取引基本契約書」という。)が締結されている場合。この場合には、取引基本契約書が本約款に優先して適用され、注 文書記載の注文品又は委託業務の内容は、取引基本契約書に基づく個別契約書の内容を構成する。

  3. 別途甲乙間で注文品又は委託業務を対象とする取引に関して、個別の契約書(以下「別途個別契約書」という。)が締結されている場合。この場合には、別途個別契約書が本約款に優先して適用される。













Doing Business Fairly

The training resources below can be used by any supplier for its staff.

Doing Business Fairly: Anti-Bribery for Business Partners  Training

Procurement transactions

This “Standard Terms & Conditions” applies to individual transactions associated with the Purchase Order received by your company from Eli Lilly Japan K.K. (Lilly Japan).

Standard Terms & Conditions

However, Standard Terms & Conditions do not apply to the cases specified in its Article 1 (1)(a) through (c). (Please refer to the following <Reference>.)


Article 1 (Application of Ts & Cs and Execution of Agreement)

1) These Ts & Cs does not apply to the following cases:

a. Where the Transaction falls under one of the “Transaction Types to Which these Ts & Cs Do Not Apply,” which are posted on Buyer website for external users (URL: https://www.lilly.com/jp/suppliers ; hereinafter the “ Contract-Related Website”);

b. Where the parties separately enter into a contract containing basic terms and conditions which are to be applied to transactions involving ordering of products or commissioning of services (hereinafter the “ Basic Transaction Agreement”); in this case, the Basic Transaction Agreement shall prevail over these Ts & Cs and the order details for the products or services contained in the Purchase Order shall constitute individual contracts made under the Basic Transaction Agreement; and

c. Where the parties separately enter into an individual contract concerning transactions involving ordering of products or commissioning of services (hereinafter the “ Separate Individual Agreement”); in this case, the Separate Individual Agreement shall prevail over these Ts & Cs.

Especially, in accordance with Article 1(1)(a), the following “Generally-Exempted Transactions” are exempted from application of the Standard Terms & Conditions because those are deemed the [Transaction Types to Which Standard Terms & Conditions Do Not Apply].

Generally-Exempted Transactions

If the supplier processes personal information on behalf of Lilly Japan, it is required to comply with “Supplier Privacy Standard (SPS)”. If the supplier processes confidential information and personal information on behalf of Lilly Japan, it is required to comply with “Information Security Standard (ISS)”. And if the supplier uses automated system such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) in its service, work products or deliverables, it is required to comply with “Artificial Intelligence Standard (AIS).”

Supplier Privacy Standard (SPS)

Information Security Standard (ISS)

Artificial Intelligence Standard (AIS)

If the supplier handles the information from or provided on behalf of Lilly Japan, it is required to execute services by following “Business Rules for Secure Handling of Information”.

Business Rules for Secure Handling of Information

Lilly Supplier Code of Business Conduct

Lilly is committed to acting with integrity. We earn the trust and respect of our customers, regulators and the general public through the manner in which we conduct our business and their resulting experiences. Our suppliers help us earn and maintain trust and respect by conducting Lilly business in accordance with Lilly values.

View the resources below to learn about Lilly's beliefs, values and guiding principles.

Lilly Supplier Code of Business Conduct